How embarrassing. (Well, all I can say is, take that, John A. Davison! Heh, heh.)
I'll try harder.
And so should PZ! Hahaha! A "G" rating! Bwahahaha! ;-)
UPDATED: Okay, now I'm up to an "R" rating, so JanieBelle'nKate and I are even.
Obviously it's the boy who's keeping them from an NC-17 rating! Hahaha.
I just checked your blog using it and it's now rated R. I'm stuck at G.
Yes, but it still says "due to the use of these words: 'hell' and 'crap.'" What up?
I don't get an NC rating for my Barbarella/Pleasurian post or my Borat-Muffs-Up-My-Kidnapping scheme?
What do I have to do, shimmy nekkid on this blog? ;-) (Yeah, just hold it down out there, okay? That's not going happen.)
Well, anyway, enjoy your G-status! Hahaha! "G" is not for G-string, I guess! Hehehe. What are you going to drink tonight with supper? Some warm milk? Hee hee hee.
You'll just have to try harder. You can probably achieve it without needing to get nekkid.
As Cat's Staff, I get whatever is left over to the milk probably will be warm. :(
Well, yes, and in my opinion nakedness does not deserve anything above a "G" rating anyway, but that's my European attitude.
However, I have an idea, since John has recently become a fan of the Sarah Silverman show. A summary of last night's outrageousness should vault me out of the ratings altogether... (Have you seen her movie, Jesus is Magic?)
Only the trailer...if I posted a summery of that it would bump Cat's blog up a couple notches.
I got an R on my first try. Bwahaha!
Strangely, though, what put it over was my use of the word "zombie". Weird.
Well, when in Rome, get fleas. Whatever. (Inside joke.)
We'll just have to content ourselves with this.
You have to use lots of four letter words and some stuff about death and violence and stuff, Darling.
Check out Hot Dogs for a good starter list.
And thanks for adding your voice over at BadAstronomy. If Kate hadn't pulled me away from the computer, I believe I would have either reached through the monitor and choked that kid, or had an aneurysm trying.
Asshole. I think I've seen him at UD, oddly enough, but I'm still too edgy about the whole thing to go looking through that dunghill.
hmm, I got an NC-17, and why? Here are the top 7 reasons. I guess talking about and posting about reality are not anything we'd want anyone under 17 to know about.
# death (22x)
# torture (19x)
# dead (12x)
# gay (11x)
# murder (10x)
# gun (7x)
# kill (6x)
I guess I need to be careful about posting about things like
Cheny's Murder-Death-Kill Talk
Heh. I had a rant or three.
I'm NC-17 now.
Whoo-hoo, good goin', JanieBelle! You too, Mike. Embrace your NC-17-ness, although I think it's weird that violence gets a higher rating in this case. Usually sex does.
Says a lot about the VP, doesn't it?
Yeah, I'm sure MichaelS has been at UDious, too JanieBelle. SteveStory feared for my mental health at one time, I think, because those folks piss me off so much!
One can certainly OD on UD. ;-)
I swear, my blog (paralepsis) is rated PG because of the words "suck" and "dead." Dead? WTF is that about?
That's pretty weird. Who makes up these rating systems, anyway?
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