Dead or Alive

Gaddafi, you're next. Thus always to terrorists.
All my shimmies to the troops. (And I was not offended when President Bush said, "Dead or Alive." I supported the war in Afghanistan.)
UPDATED: He was killed, in a mansion not a cave, using a woman as a human shield (unfortunately she was killed, too), by a firefight close-hand with Navy SEALS, not a drone. And on the 100th anniversary of naval aviation, too. The Navy has done us proud!
SECOND UPDATE: Why They Cheered (from Inside Higher Education)
Labels: birth certificate, justice, Osama bin Laden, President Obama, terrorism
Brain beats brawn. I don't rejoice in the death of someone I've never known, and can't understand their reasons for being so dickish, however. But, I don't understand war and politics. It seems like a chess game.
Brain does not beat brawn when the body's life is threatened.
Body evolved first, then mind. To have a mind, you have to protect your body. War is not a chess game when some of your belly dance instructors have been harassed by Islamic fundamentalists for performing in Egypt.
I recommend checking out the "Why They Cheered" link in my updated post before condemning a whole segment of our young people.
I cannot get upset that a crowd of people actually separated from their cell phones, iPods, and computers for a while to celebrate the death of an evil, evil man.
Tomorrow or someday they will:
-fill up landfills with disposable diapers
-ruin more forests for suburban subdivisions
-dump paint into the sewer while decorating
-idle their SUVs for a half and hour outside the hockey rink because it will kill junior (or them) to actually walk any distance
-ruin more Chimpanzee habitats (we are their closest relatives and we are close to driving them to extinction)
-join the Rotary and campaign for society to clamp down on wayward women like me
all greater crimes than cheering in the street, in my opinion.
hello thanks you for the helpful information
thank you share good articel
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