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Amused Muse

Inspiring dissent and debate and the love of dissonance

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Location: Surreality, Have Fun Will Travel, Past Midnight before a Workday

Master's Degree holder, telecommuting from the hot tub, proud Darwinian Dawkobot, and pirate librarian belly-dancer bohemian secret agent scribe on a mission to rescue bloggers from the wholesome clutches of the pious backstabbing girl fridays of the world.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Send Poor Me to the Galapagos!

UPDATED: I just got accepted into grad school. Now I'm really going to need money! ;-)

Okay, I am hesitant to publicize this excursion, for fear that hoards of people with more money than I have will register before I do and thus deprive me of my chance, so I won’t link to it. But the Center for Inquiry is hosting a cruise to the Galapagos Islands in 2007, and I want to go!

I really, really, really want to go. I’ll just be heartbroken if I cannot go! I’ve been gazing longingly at those Smithsonian tour offers that come through my office, but Richard Dawkins is going on this one, and Paul Kurtz will also be there. I’d love to meet them and other members of the CFI community, but I just can’t cough up a lot of money right now. It’s not funny how poor I am. I have debts (and no takers for my bets).

So I am offering these skills to any Evo-Daddies (or Evo-Mommies, I guess) out there, who need these services and want to help me out:

-I can type like a banshee. I can type up written notes or transcribe audio, and e-mail it to you to dump right into your document or blog.

-I can format text and images in PowerPoint, in Word, or in Excel.

-I can manage Access databases, can create forms in Access, and am a total data entry genie.

-As long as it’s not too complicated, I can translate French (but if it’s a scientific/technical text, forget it).

-I can do library and online research and fact checking.

-I have a witty, punchy, and largely unpublished prose style. (At least I’m honest.)

And of course:

-I can belly dance!*

So, if you are interested, e-mail me at with the words WORK REQUEST in the subject field, and we’ll discuss rates. (Only serious offers, please.)

*As long as this is understood: Raqs al-Sharqi (as it is known in Egypt) is an ancient and delicate art, like ballet, and meant as family entertainment. I do not give lap dances, take my clothes off, or burst out of a cake. If you want a stripper, hire a stripper. (Would I even need to make this appeal, if I were a stripper?)


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