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JAD Predicts End of
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
You know the Bible 85%!
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
![]() | I am:Samuel R. "Chip" DelanyFew have had such broad commercial success with aggressively experimental prose techniques. |
You are Catwoman
With a troubled past and an upbringing on the streets you have learned how to fend for yourself through crime.![]() |
That's definitely cool.
The really, really deep question about teleportation: is the entity the at the end the same as the one at the start? The reason that they've only moved small, non-living things so far is that, essentially, what is transmitted from point A to point B is the information necessary to replicate the start entity at the other end (the matter, I believe, already has to be there). For a sentient being, there are parts of one's being that may not be adequately captured in the information that instructs the matter how to reassemble. Michael Chrichton's Timequake (storyline: an entrepeneur plans to open a History Theme Park where the customers travel to the actual period in time and location in space via a time-space portal) considers what happens if there are even just a minute number of copy errors at the reassemble end of the process. It isn't pretty. And you thought that your hair looked bad in the morning...
But, ideally, it would be very cool to just be done with carbon based fuels and traffic jams and simply step into the portal at 7:57 and be at my desk by 8:00. Just think of impact on time, energy, pollution, and strees!
It's cool, but I've thought about this, too...
About my experience of me being "me," and whether or not this would survive the teleportation process. Even if every single molecule were successfully teleported and recombined with every single other one, would the "I," that experiences the overwhelming coincidence of being me, survive? Or would another person exist, going on, having my memories and essentially being "me," except that I will have ended?
No wonder Dr. McCoy had such a problem with the teleporter!
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