Begosh and begorrah, but the morrow be
International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrr, mateys, greetings to all! First, a mug of the ole ale with Rev. Barky and those wicked wenches JanieBelle and Kate. Second, we tie Rich Hughes to the mast! Third, we make AFDave shimmy the plank! Wha-ho!
Ignore me video, Davey, you scurvy knave-y!
(Navy, get it? Navy. Heh.)
Speaking of the navy, who remembers
this song:
We joined the navy to see the world,
And what did we see:
We saw the sea!
We saw the Pacific and the Atlantic, but the Artlantic isn’t romantic, and the Pacific isn’t what it’s cracked up to be!
We joined the navy to do or die,
But we didn’t do, and we didn’t die –
We were much too busy looking at the ocean and the sky,
And what did we see:
We saw the sea!
We saw the Atlantic and the Pacific, but the Pacific isn’t terrific, and the Atlantic isn’t what it’s cracked up to be!
They tell us that the admiral is as nice as he can be,
But we never see the admiral,
Because the admiral has never been to sea.
We joined the navy to see the girls,
And what did we see:
We saw the sea!
Instead of a girl or two in a taxi, we were compelled to look at the Black Sea, seeing the Black Sea isn’t what it’s cracked up to be!
Sailing, sailing, home again to see the girls upon the village green
Then across the foam again –
To see the other seas we haven’t seen!
Labels: frolic, humor, pirates