Amused Muse
Inspiring dissent and debate and the love of dissonance
About Me
- Name: Kristine
- Location: Surreality, Have Fun Will Travel, Past Midnight before a Workday
Master's Degree holder, telecommuting from the hot tub, proud Darwinian Dawkobot, and pirate librarian belly-dancer bohemian secret agent scribe on a mission to rescue bloggers from the wholesome clutches of the pious backstabbing girl fridays of the world.

Inspired by John A Davison:
Female Triumvirate of Evolution Experts

Professor Steve Steve and Me
at the Field Museum

- Introduction: Quito
- Jerry Falwell Deconverted
- Day One: Landing at Baltra
- Day One: Las Bachas, Santa Cruz
- An *Hic* Aside
- Day Two: Espanola
- Day Two: Floreana
- Day Two: Star-Gazing Stumbling
- Richard Dawkins: Responses to God Delusion
- Richard Dawkins: Neo-Darwinism, Part I
- Day Three: Fernandina
- Day Three: Isabella
- Photos

William Dembski.)
- What Dembski Said
- Get the Answers in Science
- Intelligent Design's Floundering Fathers
- Transitions: The Evolution of Life
Bruce Chapman Sticks It To Himself
The Extended Phenotype
- Introductory Summary
- Constraints on "Perfection"
- Arms Races and Manipulation Part I
- Arms Races and Manipulaton Part II
- The Active Germ-Line Replicator
- Organisms, Groups, and Memes: Replicators or Vehicles? Part 1
- Organisms, Groups, and Memes: Replicators or Vehicles? Part 2
Anti-Flapdoodle Avengers
- Rev Barking Nonsequitur (My Sweetie)
- Pharyngula
- No Answers in Genesis
- Answers in Genesis Busted!
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- The Days and Nights of the Lipstick Librarian
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Must-See Video
- Richard Dawkins Multimedia (Audio and Video)
- Stephen Jay Gould (Audio and Viceo)
- Atheists: A Parade of 'Fools'
- ROOT OF ALL EVIL? See it here!
- Intelligent Design: Is it Science?
- Evolution of the Bacterial Flagellum
- Minnesota Stories (Video Blog)
- Ken Avidor's Bizarre Collection of Movies
- An Inconvenient Truth - a Film about Global Warming
- Octopus Eats Shark
- State of the Union Drinking Game
- NOW (Bill Moyers and Richard Dawkins
- Richard Dawkins vs. a Talking Booger
- Richard Dawkins vs. a Lumberjack Booger
- I'm, Like, So Wasted, Ma'am
JAD Predicts End of
- It's Time
- Weaving False Rainbows
- See, I Did Take Biology, but I Took a Different Ki...
- Restoring the Forest
- Photos from the AAPA (American Association of Phys...
- You Miss Me! You Really, Really Miss Me!
- It's Time to Shut Down "Uncommon Descent," William...
- The Zooniverse is Expanding
- The Synthese Flap, and the Sound of Silence
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- Current Posts
Thursday, August 07, 2008
You know the Bible 85%!
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
![]() | I am:Samuel R. "Chip" DelanyFew have had such broad commercial success with aggressively experimental prose techniques. |
You are Catwoman
With a troubled past and an upbringing on the streets you have learned how to fend for yourself through crime.![]() |