Amused Muse
Inspiring dissent and debate and the love of dissonance
About Me
- Name: Kristine
- Location: Surreality, Have Fun Will Travel, Past Midnight before a Workday
Master's Degree holder, telecommuting from the hot tub, proud Darwinian Dawkobot, and pirate librarian belly-dancer bohemian secret agent scribe on a mission to rescue bloggers from the wholesome clutches of the pious backstabbing girl fridays of the world.

Inspired by John A Davison:
Female Triumvirate of Evolution Experts

Professor Steve Steve and Me
at the Field Museum

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- Jerry Falwell Deconverted
- Day One: Landing at Baltra
- Day One: Las Bachas, Santa Cruz
- An *Hic* Aside
- Day Two: Espanola
- Day Two: Floreana
- Day Two: Star-Gazing Stumbling
- Richard Dawkins: Responses to God Delusion
- Richard Dawkins: Neo-Darwinism, Part I
- Day Three: Fernandina
- Day Three: Isabella
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- Intelligent Design's Floundering Fathers
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- Arms Races and Manipulaton Part II
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JAD Predicts End of
Thursday, August 07, 2008
You know the Bible 85%!
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
![]() | I am:Samuel R. "Chip" DelanyFew have had such broad commercial success with aggressively experimental prose techniques. |
You are Catwoman
With a troubled past and an upbringing on the streets you have learned how to fend for yourself through crime.![]() |
Holy MadLibs Batman! That preacher's got marmalade in his carburator!
They ought to make preaching an Olympic event! The winner would get this cake.
"Oh, it touched me. In the funnybone."
To paraphrase Lazarus Long: "One woman's theology is another woman's bellylaugh."
Scotius, it's someone who dubbed his own voice over this poor man's performance! (I almost called the phone number before I figured it out.) It's surrealism! You like surrealism, don't you?
What little I know of surrealism I find amusing. What comes to mind is Salvador Dali's painting of the sagging watches.
*head-desk* Oh yes, Dali, that attention whore! ;-) Everyone thinks of him first when they think of surrealism - because he was a master self-promoter who moved to America at just the right time, and had his aptly named lover, Gala (a woman who "found" herself by going from man to man), do much of the dirty work for him. But surrealism was a literary/philosophical movement first.
Here, check this out. Robert Desnos, the greatest surrealist poet who ever lived. (The second, in my opinion, was Raymond Queneau, and the third, Paul Eluard.)
Here's my webpage on Desnos that I created as part of an assignment.
Maybe I'll post a part of my novel that has a scene with Dali. He was an odd bird, all right.
Desnos. This is poetry? My impression: this is crap.
But Strugeon's Revelation is that 90% of everything is crap. That may very well include my opinion of Desnos' output.
Well, to each his own. (I have a feeling you're not a big Rimbaud or Baudelaire fan, either.) But please tell me that you like Poe. ;-)
I'd like to see more Poe preachers.
Nope, I am neither a Rimbaud fan nor a Baudeliere fan. I don't read much Poe. I'm too po' to read Poe.
So much to read, so little time.
Although I am not all that motivated to include these authors in my reading list, you just go right on ahead and enjoy the royal hell out of yourself perusing them. I have little call for badmouthing your preferences. I should avoid speaking ill of that which is beyond the reach of my thought, for which only little wit could excuse me.
The only one who ever reached her/Was a dub of a preacher ham...
Is nothing new under the sun?
Kristine, I'm going into 'Amused Muse' withdrawal.
I hope all is well, and that your lack of posting indicates nothing more than a well-deserved holiday.
I second Mr. Hatfield'd desire for your wellbeing.
Geez, you guys are so nice. I’m fine! Rev. Barky finally had a Saturday off and we went camping. We caught bass and a croppie, which we cooked and ate. We chopped down dead trees, drank percolated coffee, gazed at the stars, and tried to take the boat out onto our choppy lake (we don’t have the dock out). We had a good time, but…
Somebody held a loathsome concert Saturday night until about 2 a.m. and I suspect it was the horde of bikers we saw going to some unspeakable “festival” over in Wisconsin. Personal watercraft and ATVs (and whiny, spoiled kids) are the bane of a quiet weekend camping in my opinion. Our land is one of the few undeveloped property on a lake that is now filling up with huge houses with those ugly triangle windows near the eaves. Where in blazes do people get the $$ to do that? And I have no interest in a pontoon beauty contest, thank you very much.
Rural people seem to live the most artificial lives today – I don’t get it. Why go “camping” in a house with gas and electricity, and tear around on some mosquito-looking boat? I cooked over the fire, even made popcorn. (Of course, we were probably the only people on the lake with a laptop so that we could play old radio shows like Dimension X and CBS Radio Mystery Theatre by the fire, so technology is not always a bad thing.)
Whew!!! Glad to hear you are OK.
Incidentally, "croppie" is actually spelled "crappie." There is a problem with that; the spelling looks crappy.
I can't even spell "ball" anymore.
It doesn't look right.
Depends. If one is referring to a spherical object, the spelling is b-a-l-l. If the reference is to a noisy child(The Indians would have banged its head on a wagon wheel), the spelling is b-a-w-l.
The sun also riseth, and the sun goeth down. There is no new thing under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1
Okay! I get the hint. I'll post something new real soon. ;-)
Two things I've learned:
1. I can't blog when I have a sore throat, and
2. when work calls me at home to walk them thru the database, I can't think without my glasses on, and
3. some people have the last name B-a-h-l.
This, I know, is true for lo, I doth work with a "Bahl". I have never witnessed him crying loudly.
If I recollect rightly, you had to leave your cats behind when you moved several months ago. Did you ever get any new kitties?
Nope, no kitties. It's too chaotic right now - plus we were hoping to do some traveling (and I swore I would never travel or camp with pets again). It's a relief to be without pets for a while.
At this particular time I have no pets. Yeah, there are six felines which are residents of my domicile. They are friends, not pets. They earn their keep by being beautiful, loving, and affectionate. A week ago, there were seven little buddies, but Smokey Amber made tracks for the Big Catnip Patch in the Sky this past Friday. She was an orange longhair that looked as if she slept in a coal bin, hence the name Smokey. She had lovely big green eyes.
The chaotic situation you mention probably explains the paucity of posts on your blog this past month or so.
I have a couple of pets, and one of them wears a funny hat and the other is nearly twelve feet tall. I'm the only one who ever sees them though! It's really weird.
I don't envy 386sx's pet food bills, what with one of them being twelve feet tall. I surely hope they are housebroken.
Then again, since he(she?) is the only one that sees them, there are no licensing fees to be concerned about. If the twelve foot one is warm blooded, there is no need for bed covers come the cold of winter. Just snuggle next to it.
If it's that 6-foot tall rabbit, I know for a fact that it can do dishes.
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